Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Great Flood

The Bible gives an account of the great flood that wiped the face of the earth clean during the time of Noah:

"The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth...and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered...every living thing that moved on the earth perished...everything on dry land that had breath of life in its nostrils died." (Genesis 7:18-23)

I had my own version about two weeks ago:

"The waters rose and increased greatly on the room...and the thinning grey carpet and wood-tiled floor were covered...every living cockroach that crawled in the deepest cracks and crevices perished...everything on dry land that had some form of breath of life in its nostrils died, including the laptop adapter."

I was jolted out of a really good sleep by our helper at seven in the morning. My mind was barely registering what she had said because I had slept at three in the morning after a really fun YM session with Anna. "Baha...baha," she kept on repeating. My half-asleep brain lit up with a bit of life and so I asked "Did it rain?" The next thing I hear was sloshing as she made her way to the phone. I get off the bed and instantly come in contact with cold water that almost reached my ankle.

Apparently I had a really good sleep...too good to even hear or notice that the water hose under the kitchen sink had come off (blame it on age says the plumber) and practically sprayed water into the room, transforming it into water wonderland in a matter of hours. Water does wake you up, especially when you're standing on it. I splashed around, assessing the damage. Most of the furniture were mounted on wooded stands, especially the sofa, so the damage was minimal...for our part. We opened the door and realized that the hallway was slowly showing the beginnings of what could be a Rio Grande in a matter of minutes, not to mention water getting into our neighbors. Panic began to surge but reached its pinnacle when our helper pointed something to me. "Your laptop adapter." I whirled around (slosh) and ran (more slosh slosh slosh). The laptop adapter practically looked like a little black flatboat rocked by waves which obviously came from my sloshing. I was not thinking and did the most stupid thing ever. All I could ever think about was the submerged laptop adapter and how much it was going to cost me. Yes, to cut a long story short and to wind down to the most stupid of my actions, I picked it up. Like I said, my head was not right. I was thinking what the sogging wet adapter was going to do to my pocket, but not to myself in terms of a casket, Coke and biscuits for the wake and a gravesite with a dark tombstone and nice yellow daisies. I got a sudden (but not too much) jolt of electricity, just in time for the electrician to walk in and see me. He turned off the main switch for us.

So I spent almost the entire morning trying to dry up the wet floor and the dripping rug. The kitchen hose was replaced with a new one and I tried to console myself about the laptop adapter (it had scratches anyway). I particularly enjoyed mopping and sweeping the floor and seeing dead roaches at every corner. After lunch, my eyes began to give way and one of my last thoughts before I drifted off to sleep was how to keep my ears perked up for ominous sounds and how utterly brainless I was for picking up the sogging adapter.

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